Por Soraya Rodríguez Ramos

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Soraya Rodríguez on the devastation of human rights in Afghanistan by the Taliban regime

MEP Soraya Rodríguez warns that nothing can be expected from the Taliban government

Citizens’ MEP and human rights spokesman Soraya Rodriguez has once again denounced the devastation of human rights in Afghanistan, especially of women but with them, the entire population of the country, and has warned that nothing can be expected from the Taliban government. ‘They do not exercise power, they exercise terror’.

In a debate on the country in the Commission on Human Rights, the MEP shared the idea that the EU has to have control of its strategy in Afghanistan, without handing it over to the Taliban, but has raised how to achieve this. She criticized the fact that the European Commission says it works ‘with the most inclusive part of the Afghan government.’ ‘What part is that? I wish there was,’ she lamented. ‘We are absolutely aware that there will be no response from these terrorists’.

Soraya Rodríguez Ramos

Mujeres al frente es un espacio de reflexión dirigido por la política y abogada española Soraya Rodríguez Ramos. Desde 2019, es diputada del Parlamento Europeo en la delegación del partido Ciudadanos. Desde su escaño de eurodiputada, desarrolla un intenso trabajo como portavoz en Igualdad de Género y Derechos de la Mujer del grupo Renew Europe, así como miembro del Comité de Derechos Humanos y de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente por su compromiso con el cuidado del planeta y la justicia climática.