Por Soraya Rodríguez Ramos

HomeEP DebatesENVI CommitteeSoraya Rodríguez describes the new European Nature Restoration Law as historic (ENVI)

Soraya Rodríguez describes the new European Nature Restoration Law as historic (ENVI)

The European Nature Restoration Law presents itself as a crucial step towards the protection and restoration of ecosystems in Europe

The Spanish MEP Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, from Renew Europe parliamentary group, stressed the importance of the recently presented European Law on Restoration of Nature, calling it a historic milestone in European legislation. In her words, ‘it is really excellent news that we are here today talking about the presentation of this restoration law that we have demanded so much from my group.’

Rodríguez Ramos highlighted the change in approach represented by this law, moving from the concept of conservation to restoration. She emphasized the need to take a more proactive position in protecting biodiversity and expressed confidence in the ability to recover natural ecosystems. “We can recover natural ecosystems and we must,” she said.

The MEP also underlined the scope of this law, noting that it goes beyond the protection of ecosystems currently covered by the Natura Network or the Habitats Directive. She referred to the seriously endangered natural ecosystems that will be recovered thanks to this legislation, noting that everyone will benefit from it: citizenship, welfare, farmers who will avoid economic losses.

However, Rodriguez Ramos expressed some concerns regarding certain aspects of the law. First, she called for a stronger compliance architecture, with binding targets and clear monitoring of indicators and assessments of national restoration plans. She also mentioned the need to strengthen the restoration of rivers and alluvial plains, as well as to protect the marine environment through safeguard clauses that ensure effective compliance.

In conclusion, MEP Soraya Rodríguez Ramos welcomed the enactment of this law as a historic moment and reiterated her commitment to work from Parliament to address the above concerns. The European Nature Restoration Act is presented as a crucial step towards the protection and restoration of ecosystems in Europe.

Soraya Rodríguez Ramos

Mujeres al frente es un espacio de reflexión dirigido por la política y abogada española Soraya Rodríguez Ramos. Desde 2019, es diputada del Parlamento Europeo en la delegación del partido Ciudadanos. Desde su escaño de eurodiputada, desarrolla un intenso trabajo como portavoz en Igualdad de Género y Derechos de la Mujer del grupo Renew Europe, así como miembro del Comité de Derechos Humanos y de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente por su compromiso con el cuidado del planeta y la justicia climática.