Por Soraya Rodríguez Ramos

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Soraya Rodríguez calls for greater effort against trafficking in Ukrainian refugee women and girls

‘The lack of prosecutions and open judicial proceedings in cases of trafficking in Ukrainian refugee women and girls is a matter of concern,’ she said.

Spanish MEP Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, from Renew Europe parliamentary group, stressed today the need to step up efforts to combat trafficking in Ukrainian refugee women and girls in Europe.

During his speech to the European Parliament committee, Rodriguez welcomed the report presented, stressing the importance of collaboration between the Member States of the European Union to address this serious problem. However, she has expressed concern about the apparent lack of prosecutions and open judicial proceedings in relation to this crime.

The MEP stressed the need to implement more effective prevention and awareness-raising measures, and proposed the creation of a single line of the European Union, an emergency telephone that is available in all countries and throughout the journey that human traffickers can take across the European territory.

In addition, Rodriguez has stressed the importance of raising awareness among prostitution users about Ukrainian victims in the prostitution market, so that they are aware that they are collaborating with a crime.

The MEP has called for greater coordination between Member States’ law enforcement agencies to effectively combat trafficking in Ukrainian refugee women and girls.

Soraya Rodríguez will continue to work in the European Parliament to promote concrete measures to ensure the protection of victims and the persecution of those responsible for this crime.

Soraya Rodríguez Ramos

Mujeres al frente es un espacio de reflexión dirigido por la política y abogada española Soraya Rodríguez Ramos. Desde 2019, es diputada del Parlamento Europeo en la delegación del partido Ciudadanos. Desde su escaño de eurodiputada, desarrolla un intenso trabajo como portavoz en Igualdad de Género y Derechos de la Mujer del grupo Renew Europe, así como miembro del Comité de Derechos Humanos y de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente por su compromiso con el cuidado del planeta y la justicia climática.