Por Soraya Rodríguez Ramos

Discover the projects of MEP Soraya Rodriguez on Women at the Front.

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The project “Women at the Forefront”

Throughout history, many women have been behind great social conquests, processes of adaptation and resilience, mediation and care, and the defence of human rights. Sometimes they have also been behind the great revolutions. Although we know that they have always been there, in 2021 we still find it difficult to name women of reference. The common factor for so many diverse women is, all too often, the lack of visibility and recognition of their fundamental role. This space aims to contribute to filling this gap

Women are and will be at the forefront of change in different areas of political, economic and social life. At the forefront of the struggles against hunger, at the forefront of political spaces and demands, at the forefront of constructive proposals in peace negotiations.

Women at the forefront is a space for reflection and response building created by MEP Soraya Rodríguez Ramos. It is a space of visibility, a space to reflect and listen to the voices of those who have a lot to say, but have never been sufficiently heard. It is a space to occupy, once and for all, the spaces that belong to us. To build together, to learn, to learn from so many women at the forefront who are leaders in the fields in which they work.

Learn more about our projects!