Women at the Forefront
13 OCTOBER 2021
On 13 October 2021, Soraya organized the first event of Women at the Forefront. The main objective of this event was to create a debate in which the role, opportunities and challenges of women as agents of change and leaders in processes of political and social claims are addressed.
During the event, different speakers were invited: Inés Arrimadas, President of Ciudadanos; Khadija Amin, Afghan journalist and refugee; Massouda Kohistani, Afghan activist, researcher and refugee; Rocío Nieto, Founder of the Association for the Prevention, Reinsertion and Care of Prostituted Women (APRAMP); and Marcela Villarreal, Director of the Division of Partnerships and Partnerships with the United Nations, FAO. All of them play a key role in political movements and their vision on the current challenges that women are facing was very enlightening.
Throughout history, many women have played a key role on great social achievements and the defense of human rights. They have been in charge of many fights against hunger, and they have been at the front of many constructive proposals in peace negotiations. Sometimes also at the front of great revolutions.
Women were, are and will be at the front of change in different areas of political, economic and social life. However, the lack of visibility and recognition of their fundamental role is a common factor for most of them.
To this aim, the project of Women at the Forefront emerges as a space for reflection. A space to give visibility to issues related to human rights, a space for the voices of those who have much to say, but have never been listened enough.The first product of this project is the website of Women at the Forefront where the important work of different women is presented. The second product is the book Women at the Forefront of the Fight against Hunger which brings together the perspectives of some of these women, African and Latin American MPs who are fighting to make end hunger and malnutrition.