Por Soraya Rodríguez Ramos

HomeEP DebatesDebate on Mental Health in the plenary session of the European Parliament

Debate on Mental Health in the plenary session of the European Parliament

MEP Soraya Rodriguez calls for a European mental health strategy following statements by Ivan Bartoš (President of the Council) and Stella Kyriakides (Member of the Commission).

Soraya Rodriguez calls for a European mental health strategy. Suicide is the second cause of death among young people.

The MEP of Ciudadanos and Health spokesperson at the European Parliament, Soraya Rodríguez, has once again demanded that the European Commission adopts a strategy on mental health. “The pandemic laid the mental health debate on the table. From 2020 to 2021, mental health problems in people aged 15 to 24 have doubled. 9 million teenagers between the ages of 10 and 19 suffer from mental health problems, and suicide has become the second leading cause of death among young people in Europe. “We cannot turn a blind eye on this”, said the MEP at a debate in plenary.

Soraya Rodríguez advocates for an intervention especially at the earliest ages, which means reaching schools and investing and reinforcing mental health services “that should be considered essential”. A European strategy would ensure better consideration of this health service and adequate funding.

Soraya Rodríguez Ramos

Mujeres al frente es un espacio de reflexión dirigido por la política y abogada española Soraya Rodríguez Ramos. Desde 2019, es diputada del Parlamento Europeo en la delegación del partido Ciudadanos. Desde su escaño de eurodiputada, desarrolla un intenso trabajo como portavoz en Igualdad de Género y Derechos de la Mujer del grupo Renew Europe, así como miembro del Comité de Derechos Humanos y de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente por su compromiso con el cuidado del planeta y la justicia climática.